Las Vegas Bus Accident Lawyer

"Securing Justice, Mile After Mile"

If you got injured while riding a bus in Nevada, you can contact our experienced lawyer in Las Vegas who specializes in bus accidents. He offers a free one-on-one consultation to discuss your case. Our Accident Lawyers has helped many victims to receive compensation for their injuries caused by RTC transit buses.
As gas prices rise across the country, more people in Las Vegas and its surrounding areas  are choosing to use buses instead of private transportation to avoid extra costs. The RTC buses, which are the main public transportation system in the Las Vegas metro area, serve as the primary mode of transportation for nearly 180,000 commuters in the region. In addition, school buses and tour buses are commonly seen on the roads of Las Vegas, providing transportation for students and tourists throughout the city.

Even though more people are using public transportation, bus accidents can still happen. In 2010, there were 435 bus accidents in Nevada. While only one accident resulted in a fatality, over 100 accidents caused injuries to passengers, drivers, and pedestrians.
If you were involved in a bus accident, it’s important to contact a skilled Las Vegas bus accident lawyer. Getting legal representation as soon as possible is crucial because it helps you receive the compensation you deserve. Whether you were a passenger on the bus or the driver of another vehicle involved in the collision, our dedicated lawyer in Las Vegas can offer you the guidance and support you need to take legal action.

Main Causes of Las Vegas Bus Accidents

Bus accidents happen when a bus crashes into a person, animal, object, or another vehicle. These accidents can occur due to various reasons, and multiple factors can contribute to them. The most common cause is human error. This means that bus drivers, passengers, pedestrians, or other drivers nearby may make unsafe choices that lead to a collision. For example, a pedestrian might suddenly enter the road, causing the bus driver to accidentally hit them or swerve and hit another car or object. Reckless driving by either the bus driver or a nearby car driver can also cause an accident, especially if one of the vehicles stops suddenly or changes lanes abruptly.

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Buses often make wide turns, and if a car doesn’t give the right of way to a turning bus, it can cause a crash. Sometimes, the bus driver may be too tired or intoxicated to drive safely, or they might get distracted for even a brief moment, leading to serious consequences.
However, many bus accidents don’t involve the bus driver or other people’s actions. Even though Las Vegas doesn’t have much bad weather, sudden thunderstorms during summer can make roads slippery and visibility poor. If a bus isn’t properly maintained, it can collide with another vehicle. Brake failures, steering issues, or tire blowouts can cause the bus to crash into another vehicle or vice versa.
The term “bus accident” includes not only collisions with other vehicles but also injuries caused by faulty equipment inside the bus. For example, a wheelchair lift might stop working, leaving a passenger with a disability stranded outside in the hot sun. A bus seat could come loose and make a passenger fall forward. Handles may become loose or break, leaving standing passengers with nothing to hold onto, causing them to stumble. These are just a few examples of the many problems that can lead to injuries in a bus accident.

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If you’ve been seriously hurt in a bus accident, what you do next can have a big impact on your future. It’s important to focus on your health and take steps to protect your legal rights. Here’s what you should do:

  • Get Medical Assistance

Get medical help right away. Even if you don’t need an ambulance, make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. Bus accidents can cause various injuries, and getting medical attention can help prevent long-term problems.
Getting medical treatment is also important for protecting your legal rights. The longer you wait, the harder it may be to prove that your injuries were caused by the accident. Insurance companies will try to avoid taking responsibility and might argue that your injuries happened for other reasons.

  • Follow Your Doctor’s Medical Advice

Once your doctor gives you a treatment plan, it’s important to follow it carefully. Stick to your doctor’s instructions unless you have doubts about their advice. If that happens, consider getting a second opinion.

If you ignore your doctor’s advice or delay your recovery, the bus company or insurance might use it against you. They could argue that you didn’t take your health seriously or that you’re not really injured. To avoid this, make sure you go to all your appointments with doctors, specialists, physical therapists, and anyone else involved in your treatment.

  • Keep Your Bus Ticket or Pass

If you have a bus ticket or pass from the day of the accident, keep it in a safe place. This will help prove that you were on the bus when the accident happened.

  • Keep Any Photos You Took with Your Phone

If you took pictures right after the accident, show them to a lawyer as soon as you can. These photos might have important details about what happened and who was responsible. Even if you took pictures on the bus before the accident (like a selfie with a friend), save those photos too. They can provide valuable information like where you were sitting and what the bus looked like inside when the accident happened.

  • Write Down as Many Details as You Can

Besides keeping your bus ticket or pass and saving any photos, write down as many details as you can remember about the accident. Consider these questions:

  • What kind of bus were you on? (For example, was it a city bus or a Greyhound?)
  • Which route were you traveling on?
  • Where did the accident happen along the route?
  • Did the bus driver say anything before or after the crash?
  • How do you think the accident happened?

These details can help your legal case. If you remember anything else that might be important, write it down so you can discuss it with your lawyer.

  • Avoid Posting on Social Media

After an accident, it’s a good idea to avoid posting on social media and other websites. Insurance companies watch what you share online and might use your posts and photos to challenge your claim. It’s best to be careful and not share details about the accident on the internet.

  • Don’t Be Misled

After the bus accident, you might get calls or messages from the bus company or their insurance company. Remember, they are not looking out for your best interests. Don’t sign any papers or agree to a settlement without talking to a bus accident lawyer first. Let a lawyer handle all the communication for you, so you don’t make any mistakes. They will protect your rights and guide you through the process.

  • Document Your Financial Losses

When you’re hurt in a bus accident, the expenses can add up quickly. Keep track of these costs as best as you can. This will help your lawyer figure out how much compensation to seek for your claim. Stay organized and keep records of things like:

  • Medical bills
  • Prescription costs
  • Expenses for medical supplies
  • Transportation costs
  • Lost income and benefits
  • Other related costs

By documenting these expenses, you’ll have the necessary information to support your claim and ensure you’re fairly compensated.


The costs mentioned earlier are called economic damages because they directly affect your finances. However, there’s another type of compensation you might be eligible for, known as non-economic damages. These cover the non-financial effects of your injuries.

Non-economic damages are harder to put a specific value on. They include things like the pain and suffering you experienced, the loss of enjoyment in your life, and similar impacts.

To help show these non-economic damages, you can write down your feelings, take photos, or record videos that demonstrate how your injuries have affected you. These records can be useful in showing the impact of your injuries when seeking compensation.

  • Contact our  Experienced Bus Accident Lawyer Las Vegas

    If you got hurt in a bus accident in Las Vegas, the Las Vegas metro area, it’s important to act quickly to seek compensation for your injuries. Bus companies have a responsibility to keep their passengers safe, whether they are students, commuters, or tourists. When they fail to do so, it’s your job to hold them accountable. Whether you live in Las Vegas or you were just visiting, Our Las Vegas bus accident lawyer is here to assist you with your case if you were injured by a bus in the Las Vegas area.

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Could I Potentially Be at Fault in a Bus Accident?

Pedestrians and passengers are rarely responsible for bus accidents. Instead, the fault usually lies with the bus driver, other drivers on the road, the bus company, the bus manufacturer, the maintenance and repair company, and even the school district or city government. While an unruly passenger or inattentive pedestrian could distract the bus driver and cause an accident, most cases involve the failure of bus operators or owners to follow safety rules.

In Nevada and throughout the United States, there is a concept called “duty of care” in personal injury lawsuits. This means that drivers, vehicle manufacturers, and maintenance staff have a responsibility to follow safety protocols and ensure that all vehicles on the road are safe and operated with care. If they fail in this duty, it can be considered negligence, which is a common factor in all types of personal injury lawsuits.

Just like in car accident cases, it’s very important to gather as much evidence as possible after a bus accident happens. Take pictures, get the contact information of witnesses, and write down details about what happened. However, there’s a difference compared to car accidents. The bus company, which manages the bus, will start their own investigation and may try to argue that they are not responsible for the accident or only partially responsible. In the Las Vegas area, you have two years to file a personal injury case, but the longer you wait, the easier it becomes for the bus company’s representative to selectively gather information that can make them not liable for the accident. It’s important to act promptly.


What We Offer

Our Main Service Area's for Bus Accident Attorney


Los Angeles

Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Los Angeles.


New York

Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the New York.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Chicago.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Philadelphia.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Dallas.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Houston.

Common Questions

Most Popular Questions

Seek medical attention: Even if you feel fine, get a medical check-up to document any injuries.
Contact the police: Ensure an official accident report is filed.
Gather evidence: Take photos, collect witness information, and document the scene​

Bus driver and company: For driver negligence or inadequate vehicle maintenance.
Other motorists: If their actions contributed to the accident.
Government entities: If the accident involves a city-operated bus or poor road conditions.
Manufacturers: If a defect in the bus or its parts caused the accident​

  • Economic damages: Medical bills, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs.
  • Non-economic damages: Pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of quality of life​

Driver fatigue or inattention
Poor vehicle maintenance
Negligent hiring practices
Adverse weather conditions and road defects​

File a Notice of Claim: Notify the city or relevant government body within the statutory timeframe.
Seek legal assistance: An attorney can help navigate the specific procedures and regulations for claims against public entities​