Chicago Bus Accident Lawyer

"Securing Justice, Mile After Mile"


The Chicago Transit Authority, also known as the “CTA,” runs a big transportation system in and around Chicago. They have 1,865 buses and more than 128 bus routes. In addition to buses, the CTA also operates the city’s “L” trains. Because of these extensive services, thousands of people use public transportation every weekday in the greater Chicago area. The public transportation system in the city, including buses, plays an important role in helping people get around. It provides a convenient alternative to driving, walking, or using other methods of transportation. However, due to the large number of people and vehicles involved, bus accidents occur frequently in Chicago.
There are special laws that apply to public transportation in Chicago, like buses. These laws are called “common carrier laws” and they are more strict because these carriers transport a lot more people than the normal transits. According to the laws, the carrier is responsible for keeping you safe. If you have suffered serious injuries while riding a common carrier, it’s important to contact a skilled Chicago bus accident lawyer right away. At, we are a personal injury firm serving the Chicago area and known for our excellent service. We take pride in representing bus accident victims and their families to help them receive the highest possible compensation for their damages.


What Causes Bus Accidents in Chicago, IL?

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Bus drivers in Chicago face similar challenges to other drivers, but they also have some unique difficulties. Here are some common causes of bus accidents:

Distracted Driving: Bus drivers can get distracted by things like phones or electronic gadgets. With many passengers on board, bus drivers are more likely to face distractions. If you think your accident was caused by a distracted driver, reach out to Chicago Bus accident lawyer.

Fatigued Driving: Bus drivers in Chicago have strict schedules to follow, which often means working long hours without enough breaks. The long hours and confined space of a bus can make drivers tired.

Speeding: Bus drivers may ignore speed limits or road conditions in order to stick to their schedules. Speeding increases the likelihood of bus accidents.

Vehicle Maintenance: Neglected vehicle maintenance can lead to faulty parts, which can cause bus crashes.

Lack of Training: Driving buses, whether they’re school buses, tour buses, or intercity buses, require specific skills. Drivers often need special licenses or extensive training to safely operate buses. However, due to understaffing, bus companies may hire drivers with minimal training to get them on the road quickly. This lack of proper training can contribute to more bus accidents.
If you have been involved in a bus accident, it’s important to understand these factors and seek appropriate legal assistance.

How Many Bus Accidents Happens in the U.S. Every Year?

In 2019, there were a significant number of Bus accidents in Chicago involving large trucks and buses, as reported by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Specifically, there were 127,000 non-fatal accidents and 5,237 fatal accidents. School bus accidents made up the largest portion, accounting for 39% of all fatal crashes that year. Transit buses and intercity buses were responsible for 34% of fatal bus accidents in 2019.

Common Bus Accident Injuries

Bus accidents in Chicago are not very common as compared to other types of vehicle accidents. However, when bus accidents occur, they can cause severe injuries and even death. Various individuals, such as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycle riders, and passengers in regular cars, are at risk of serious harm. Collisions involving large intercity buses or school buses with pedestrians or smaller vehicles can have devastating consequences. Even bus passengers themselves can suffer greatly. Below are some of the serious injuries that can occur to bus passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and other car passengers in a collision:

  • Head injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries or concussions.
  • Spinal cord injuries, like whiplash.
  • Partial or complete paralysis.
  • Nerve damage.
  • Skull fractures.
  • Broken bones or crushing injuries.
  • Temporary or permanent disability.
  • Road rash, bruising, and cuts, which can cause significant tissue damage.
  • Permanent scarring or disfigurement.
  • Internal injuries, such as punctured lungs, liver or kidney damage, and internal bleeding, resulting from car accidents.
  • Amputation of one or more body parts.
    Wrongful death.

If you or a loved one had experienced any of these injuries in a bus crash, it is important to contact Chicago catastrophic injury attorneys, Chicago TBI attorneys (specializing in traumatic brain injuries), Chicago spinal cord injury attorneys, Chicago paralysis attorneys, Chicago whiplash injury attorneys, or Chicago amputation attorneys without delay.

Do I Need a Chicago Bus Accident Lawyer?

Certainly, if you have been injured in a bus accident in Chicago, it is important to consult a Chicago bus accident lawyer. Often, carriers and transportation companies will quickly offer settlements to the passengers involved in a crash. They do this to resolve the case as soon as possible. By closing the case quickly, they can minimize damage to their reputation and profits.
While it may seem tempting to accept the initial settlement they offer, it is always wise to consult with an experienced bus accident attorney in Chicago first. Settlements may appear to be in large amounts, but these amounts are not based on what is “fair” for the victim. They are based on the lowest amount that bus injury victims are likely to accept without putting up a fight. This means that the settlement may not cover medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. A Chicago bus accident lawyer can carefully examine the details of your case, determine the exact amount of compensation you deserve for your losses, and negotiate a fair settlement with the bus company involved.

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Call our Professional Chicago Bus Accident Lawyer Today!

If a careless driver caused a bus accident and you suffered life-threatening injuries, you might be able to seek money for your losses by filing a personal injury claim. Car accident cases can be complex, and bus accidents can be even more complicated because there are often many negligent parties involved. The insurance company associated with the bus company might also make it hard for you to get the compensation you deserve. That’s why it’s important to have the help of the Chicago auto accident lawyers at We will carefully examine your case, determine who is responsible, negotiate to get you the best possible settlement for the harm you endured, and make sure your rights are protected throughout the entire process. Call us to set up a free consultation today.

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What We Offer

Our Main Service Area's for Bus Accident Attorney


Los Angeles

Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Los Angeles.


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Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the New York.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Chicago.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Philadelphia.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Dallas.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Houston.

Common Questions

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The answer to this question depends on how bad the accident was, how much harm each person suffered, and who is responsible. If your injuries are very serious, you may receive a higher settlement for permanent injuries.
When bus accidents happen because someone was careless, it often leads to personal injury lawsuits. The crash can cause temporary or permanent harm, and if you will need treatment or therapy in the future, the person who caused the accident should pay for it. In bus accident cases, there can be more than one person seeking compensation, and there can be multiple people responsible for the bus accident. Even if there is shared blame, most bus companies in Chicago will try to reach a resolution quickly. Both parties need to agree on the settlement amount for a bus accident case. It's important to know that if you accept a bus accident settlement, you usually can't make any more claims against the transportation company in the future.
To find out more about how long it takes to get a settlement for a car accident or a bus accident, you should schedule a free consultation with a Chicago bus accident lawyer.

Being involved in any car accident can be frightening. However, accidents involving city buses or school buses can be even scarier. In such situations, you may feel shocked and in pain, and it can be confusing to know what to do next. If you ever find yourself in this situation, remember to take the following steps before leaving the accident scene:

Call 911: The first and most important thing to do is call 911. This will alert the police and emergency medical services (EMTs) to come to the accident scene. Usually, the bus driver is responsible for contacting emergency assistance. However, if they are unable or unwilling to make the call, you should dial 911 yourself. Calling 911 is crucial because it helps document the accident through a police report and ensures that bus accident victims receive immediate medical care.

Seek Medical Attention: After speaking with the police, it's important to seek medical attention for your injuries as soon as possible. Seeking medical care promptly is essential for several reasons. It helps prevent injuries from getting worse, documents your injuries for legal purposes, and protects your right to claim compensation. Sometimes, due to the shock of the accident, certain injuries (especially serious injuries to the neck and back) may not be immediately apparent or felt. They might become noticeable only after a few days. That's why it's crucial to seek pain treatment at a hospital as soon as possible.
Remember, these steps are important for your well-being and to ensure that you receive the necessary help and support following a bus accident.

Collect Witness Statements and Document the Accident:
If there are people nearby who saw the accident, make sure to get their contact information and ask them to stay at the scene to tell the police what they saw. Having a police report and witness statements can be very helpful when making a strong claim for a bus accident. Your lawyer may need to talk to these witnesses later to ask them questions or have them participate in a deposition for your personal injury case.
It's also important to take pictures and videos of the bus accident scene. This evidence can help the police and bus accident lawyers determine who is at fault in the case. Figuring out who is at fault is crucial for victims to receive fair compensation from the drivers or bus companies.
Lastly, document your injuries by taking pictures and videos. If you have to go to the emergency room after the accident, make sure to get copies of your medical records. This will help you know how much money you need when it comes to reaching a settlement.

Contact a Chicago Bus Accident Lawyer:

It's important to seek legal advice to protect yourself. Shortly after a major accident, the bus company and their insurance company will probably send investigators to the scene. Their quick response shows how important it is for you to have your own lawyer who is looking out for your best interests.
Sometimes buses are operated by the city or county, or they work together with them. This means that the legal process for filing a claim may be different from filing a claim against a private individual. Also, the time limit for filing a claim against a government agency is shorter. The Chicago bus accident attorneys at Curcio & Casciato will give you all the information you need during your free consultation, so you can file your claim on time and seek justice.

Bus driver: If the driver was negligent or violated traffic laws.
Bus company: For inadequate maintenance, poor hiring practices, or insufficient training.
Other motorists: If another driver's actions caused the accident.
Manufacturers: In cases where defective parts or buses contributed to the accident.
Government entities: If the bus is publicly operated, such as by the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA).

Economic damages: Medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage.
Non-economic damages: Pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
Punitive damages: In cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct​

Bus accidents often involve multiple parties, including public entities, which can complicate the legal process.
Claims against public buses may have shorter filing deadlines and require compliance with specific procedural rules​

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Internal injuries and organ damage
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement​

Document everything: Take photos, collect witness statements, and keep detailed records of medical treatments and expenses.
Consult an attorney: Seek legal advice to navigate the complexities of bus accident claims and to ensure that all procedural requirements are met