Bus Accident Attorney Los Angeles

"Securing Justice, Mile After Mile"


Buses are very common in Greater Los Angeles. AS they are a good and cheap way to travel around the city or to other cities. However, bus accidents can be really bad and sometimes even deadly. Buses are involved in a lot of serious accidents because of the heavy weight, take a long time to stop, are hard to control, don’t have seat belts, and have blind spots where the driver can’t see easily.

If you or your loved one has been in a bus accident and got hurt, whether on the bus, in another vehicle, walking, or riding a bike, you need to act quickly. You should gather evidences, get medical help, and prove that the people responsible for the accident are to blame. Our team of bus accident lawyers, investigators, and staff in Los Angeles have been dealing with bus accident cases for over 30 years. We have handled thousands of cases and have the skills and experience to get you the results you deserve.

Common Causes of Bus Accidents:

Bus accidents can happen for different reasons including:

  • Mistakes of the Bus Driver
  • Not having enough training
  • Being distracted while driving
  • Feeling tired and sleepy
  • Driving too fast
  • Not being prepared for traffic or changes in the road or weather
  • Vehicle Mechanical and maintenance issues
  • Taking turns or corners too quickly
  • Having blind spots that make it hard to see other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists
  • Suddenly braking or swerving, which can hurt passengers
  • Not having seat belts for everyone on the bus

Estimated Statistics showing bus accident intensity are highly dangerous:

  • 264 total fatalities, nationwide, in 2016
  • 40 occupant fatalities, nationwide, in 2016
  • 35,000 people injured, nationwide, in 2016

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What vehicles are considered a Bus?

Buses are considered “common carriers” by the law, which means they need to be handled more carefully than regular cars when it comes to passenger’s safety. There are different types of buses, such as

  • City buses
  • School buses
  • Coach, intercity, or long-haul buses (such as Greyhound)
  • Feeder buses
  • Government buses (Federal, State, County)
  • Commuter buses
  • Larger vans
  • Mobile trailers or homes

What should I do if I was hurt in a bus accident?

If you’re in a bus accident, here are some important things you should do:

  • Call 911 and let them know about the accident.
  • Even if your injuries don’t seem serious, it’s good to seek medical treatment or ask for help.
  • Talk to any witnesses and get their contact information. Also, write down details about the bus driver, like their badge number, and find out who operates the bus.
  • Take pictures and notes about what happened. Capture the accident scene, the bus, other vehicles involved, and the road conditions.
  • Make sure it’s documented that you were a passenger on the bus.
  • Don’t give any statements to representatives from the bus company or insurance companies.
  • Reach out to experienced bus accident lawyers in Los Angeles right away to get the assistance you need.

What to do when Child gets injured in Bus Accident?

When you trust someone else to take care of your child, like a school bus driver, it’s a big decision. You hope that the driver will treat your child well like their own and drive safely, but that’s not always the case.

The truth is, there are school bus drivers who are careless or reckless, and even good drivers can’t always avoid other drivers who don’t drive safely on the roads of Greater Los Angeles.

If something terrible happens and your child is in that school bus accident, it’s important to be prepared and try to follow these steps:

  • Get your child the medical attention they need as soon as possible.
  • Stay calm and reach out to family or friends for immediate support.
  • If possible, go to the accident site to be with your child.
  • Make sure your child receives medical treatment or gets checked for any possible injuries.
  • Be careful about who you talk to and what you say to them.
  • Avoid giving recorded statements or signing any forms.
  • Hire an experienced and determined bus accident lawyer in Los Angeles.

Bus accidents can be complicated because multiple parties may be at fault, including the school, school district, bus company, bus driver, bus driver’s employer, and others. There are often many contracts and insurance policies to examine. Additionally, since a school bus accident lawsuit often involves a public entity, you must follow the California Tort Claims Act with its specific deadlines and requirements.

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Proving Negligence After a Bus Accident

If you can show that someone else’s carelessness caused your injuries in a bus accident, you might be able to get money to cover your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more. A bus accident lawyer who knows what they’re doing can help you gather evidence and make a strong case. They can also talk to the insurance companies for you and handle everything related to your bus accident claim, so you can focus on getting better.

Who Can Take Legal Action After a Bus Accident?

To file a lawsuit after a bus accident, you need to show that someone else was careless or didn’t do what he was supposed to do. To do this, you must gather evidence to prove that the other party didn’t take enough care and that their actions directly caused the accident and your injuries.
There are some common examples of carelessness after a bus accident, like if the driver was drunk or on drugs, driving too fast or recklessly, not giving the right of way to others, ignoring traffic signs or signals, falling asleep while driving, or if the bus company didn’t properly take care of the bus or hired an inexperienced driver. Another example is when there’s a problem with the bus because of defective parts, or if the accident happened because the road conditions were bad.
If you can show that someone else’s carelessness caused your injuries in a bus accident, you might be able to get money to cover your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more. A bus accident lawyer who knows what they’re doing can help you gather evidence and make a strong case. They can also talk to the insurance companies for you and handle everything related to your bus accident claim, so you can focus on getting better.

Can I Take Legal Action for a Family Member Who Died in the Bus Accident?

In most situations, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible party in a bus accident. However, every bus accident case is different, and there might be some circumstances where you cannot file a lawsuit. For example, if your loved one passed away and didn’t have any children or immediate family who depended on them, you might not have the right to sue.
Usually, only specific people can file a wrongful death lawsuit after a bus accident. These typically include:

  • The spouse of the person who passed away
  • The children of the person who passed away
  • The parents of the person who passed away, if the person wasn’t married and didn’t have any children
  • If there are multiple family members who meet any of the above criteria, they can choose to file a lawsuit together.

It’s also important to know that in some cases, the person in charge of handling the deceased person’s estate can file a lawsuit on behalf of all the surviving family members. This typically happens when there are disagreements among the survivors about who should take legal action.

What We Offer

Our Main Service Area's for Bus Accident Attorney

Los Angeles


Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Los Angeles.

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Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the New York.



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Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Philadelphia.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Dallas.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Houston.

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Expert bus accident attorneys in the USA, ensuring justice.


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Global reach bus accident attorney services, always available.


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Flexible bus accident attorney services tailored to you.

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Client satisfaction is our priority in bus accident attorney services.

Common Questions

Most Popular Questions

Determining who is responsible for a bus accident can be complicated because there can be many possible parties involved. Usually, the bus company or the driver is held responsible, but there are exceptions. For example, if the accident happened because of a problem with a specific part of the bus, the company that manufactured that part could also be held accountable. Or if the accident was caused by bad road conditions, the government entity in charge of maintaining those roads could be held responsible.
There are situations where multiple parties may be held responsible for a bus accident. For example, if both the driver and the bus company were negligent (the driver for driving too fast and recklessly, and the bus company for not maintaining the bus properly), both parties could be sued. In such cases, each party would likely have to pay a part of the damages based on how much they were at fault.

In most situations, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible party in a bus accident. However, every bus accident case is different, and there might be some circumstances where you cannot file a lawsuit. For example, if your loved one passed away and didn't have any children or immediate family who depended on them, you might not have the right to sue.
Usually, only specific people can file a wrongful death lawsuit after a bus accident. These typically include:

  • The spouse of the person who passed away
  • The children of the person who passed away
  • The parents of the person who passed away, if the person wasn't married and didn't have any children

If there are multiple family members who meet any of the above criteria, they can choose to file a lawsuit together.
It's also important to know that in some cases, the person in charge of handling the deceased person's estate can file a lawsuit on behalf of all the surviving family members. This typically happens when there are disagreements among the survivors about who should take legal action.

If you're in a bus accident, here are some important things you should do:

  • Call 911 and let them know about the accident.
    Even if your injuries don't seem serious, it's good to seek medical treatment or ask for help.
  • Talk to any witnesses and get their contact information. Also, write down details about the bus driver, like their badge number, and find out who operates the bus.
  • Take pictures and notes about what happened. Capture the accident scene, the bus, other vehicles involved, and the road conditions.
  • Make sure it's documented that you were a passenger on the bus.
  • Don't give any statements to representatives from the bus company or insurance companies.
  • Reach out to experienced bus accident lawyers in Los Angeles right away to get the assistance you need.

When you trust someone else to take care of your child, like a school bus driver, it's a big decision. You hope that the driver will treat your child well like their own and drive safely, but that's not always the case.

The truth is, there are school bus drivers who are careless or reckless, and even good drivers can't always avoid other drivers who don't drive safely on the roads of Greater Los Angeles.

If something terrible happens and your child is in that school bus accident, it's important to be prepared and try to follow these steps:

  • Get your child the medical attention they need as soon as possible.
  • Stay calm and reach out to family or friends for immediate support.
  • If possible, go to the accident site to be with your child.
    Make sure your child receives medical treatment or gets checked for any possible injuries.
  • Be careful about who you talk to and what you say to them.
  • Avoid giving recorded statements or signing any forms.
  • Hire an experienced and determined bus accident lawyer in Los Angeles.

Bus accidents can be complicated because multiple parties may be at fault, including the school, school district, bus company, bus driver, bus driver's employer, and others. There are often many contracts and insurance policies to examine. Additionally, since a school bus accident lawsuit often involves a public entity, you must follow the California Tort Claims Act with its specific deadlines and requirements.

Bus accident injuries can range from minor to catastrophic or worse.  Injuries can include:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Wrongful death
  • Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis (partial, full, temporary, and/or permanent)
  • Broken bones or fractured bones
  • Whiplash and neck injuries
  • Spine strain and sprain
  • Nerve damage, numbness, and radiculopathy
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Crush injuries
  • Burns and scarring
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues

Getting immediate medical treatment is crucial after a bus accident. You should have access to doctors, therapists, and other healthcare professionals. If you don't have health insurance, we can help you find respected doctors in the community who can treat you. The medical expenses you incur will be taken into account when we seek compensation from the responsible parties, and they will be paid using the money obtained from your bus accident case. Additionally, in certain situations, if you meet the requirements, our knowledgeable personal injury lawyers can assist you in obtaining free or low-cost coverage through programs like Medi-Cal, Medi-Care, and others.

When you get seriously injured in a bus accident, it can be difficult to continue your usual activities, like going to work. While the party is responsible for compensating you for lost income, it can take a while to receive a settlement or a verdict from a trial. Thankfully, we collaborate with companies that can offer you a loan. This loan is secured and will be paid back using the money you receive from your case. Also, in certain situations, we can provide you with an advance on the expected money you'll get from your case.

If you are suing a private company or an individual because of a bus injury, you have two years from the time of the accident to file a lawsuit. However, if you are suing a public entity or an individual who works for a public entity, things are more complex. In such cases, you need to follow the strict rules of the California Tort Claims Act. According to this act, you only have six months to make a bus accident claim. The Tort Claims Act also includes other technical requirements and deadlines that must be met. Given the complexities involved, it is crucial to seek the assistance of a Los Angeles bus accident lawyer who can help you with your personal injury case after an accident

Our team of highly skilled Los Angeles bus accident lawyers are dedicated to swiftly investigating your case, gathering all the necessary facts, and conducting thorough analysis. We have a proven track record of successful Bus Accident lawsuits and work diligently to ensure your claim is handled promptly and effectively. We focus on identifying all parties responsible for the bus accident and employ assertive techniques such as extensive research and interviews to uncover the truth. This helps us obtain crucial documents and videos that strengthen your case and hold accountable parties responsible.
Furthermore, we possess a comprehensive understanding of the laws that apply to buses and roadways at the federal, state, and local levels. Bus accidents often stem from broader issues within government departments or private businesses, such as inadequate training for bus drivers or insufficient rest breaks. In many instances, we can demonstrate that passenger safety is often neglected in favor of saving time and maximizing profits
In addition, we have access to in-house training materials and employee manuals specifically related to bus accidents. We also have a team of experts specialized in analyzing all the information available to identify negligence and determine who is at fault. If your case goes to trial, our law firm has a highly skilled trial team that is widely recognized for achieving substantial verdicts (including a $29 million verdict) and negotiating significant settlements (several exceeding $10 million). They have the expertise and resources to present your bus accident claim in a compelling manner that resonates emotionally, ensuring you receive the financial compensation you deserve.
As part of our analysis and strategy for liability, we always make an effort to fully understand the insurance situation on the other side. This can be complex, especially when multiple companies and plaintiffs are involved. There's a possibility that companies with contractual relationships may have clauses that try to shift responsibility through indemnification and defense provisions. All of these aspects are highly technical and crucial, underscoring the importance of seeking assistance from an experienced bus accident law firm in handling these matters.

Bus injury cases often require more time compared to other types of cases because they tend to be complicated. They can involve many people filing claims and multiple parties responsible, and there is usually a significant amount of money involved. In most places, once you file a lawsuit for a bus accident, the trial date will be scheduled for 12 to 18 months in the future. This is usually the longest time it could take for your case to be resolved. We always make an effort to move your case along as quickly as possible, which is a great advantage for you. However, if your bus accident involves complex issues, there is a chance that it may take longer than the usual 12 to 18 months.

The Dominguez Firm has handled thousands of bus accidents over our 30 plus years of service. We couple this experience with our compassionate, client-first approach for a winning formula. We apply our three founding principles —compassion, service and results — to every single case and every single client. We keep you informed, consult with you, and obtain your consent on important decisions. More than that, though, we stand by your side and help you throughout the entire process.

We have dealt with thousands of bus accidents during our 30 years of service. We combine this experience with our caring and client-focused approach, creating a winning combination. We adhere to our three core principles—compassion, service, and results—for each and every case and client. We keep you informed, consult with you, and seek your consent for important decisions. Moreover, we stand by your side and assist you throughout the entire process.

Ultimately, the results are what matter. Our law firm has achieved over $750 million* in winnings for our clients, with an impressive 96% success rate* that few can match. Our team of Los Angeles bus accident lawyers work tirelessly on your case, and if necessary, our acclaimed trial team is prepared to take your serious injury case to court.

If you have been injured due to someone else's negligence, our mission is to make things right and help restore the life you had before the harm caused by their negligence. We hold responsible parties accountable for the injuries and losses they have caused.

The Dominguez Firm has experienced lawyers specializing in bus injuries who are ready to assist you and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one has suffered a bus injury accident, call us now, 24/7, for a free consultation at 877-924-2639. There is no obligation, and if you don't recover, there is no fee!