Houston Bus Accident Lawyer

"Securing Justice, Mile After Mile"

Buses are very important for local, regional, and long-distance travel. They are usually a reliable way to commute to work or school and explore the city and beyond.
Unfortunately, when buses are involved in accidents, the consequences can be severe. Many people suffer serious injuries, and dealing with legal matters related to bus accidents can be challenging because there are often multiple powerful parties involved.
Busaccidentlawyer.us has a lot of experience handling bus accidents and other complicated cases involving commercial vehicles. If you need help, you can contact us for a free consultation. Our lawyers assist clients in the greater Houston area, throughout Texas, and across the country.

Main Causes of Bus Accidents

Most bus accidents happen because the driver makes a mistake. The mistake can be made by the bus driver, the driver of another vehicle, or both of them together.
The bus driver can cause an accident if they:

  • Drive when they are very tired
  • Drive after taking drugs or drinking alcohol
  • Drive too fast
  • Make turns that are too wide
  • Change lanes without checking their blind spots
  • Drive too closely behind other vehicles
    Get distracted while driving

The driver of another vehicle can also be responsible for a bus accident if they:

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The company that owns and runs buses, they can be held responsible for accidents if their carelessness caused the Bus Accident. This can happen if they:

  • Hire drivers who are not qualified or don’t check if they have broken any rules before
  • Don’t giving proper training to their drivers
  • Don’t have rules in place or don’t enforce rules to prevent things like drug or alcohol use or distracted driving
  • Make their drivers work more hours than allowed by the law (there are rules about how long bus drivers can drive, but sometimes employers make them break those rules)
  • Don’t take care of the buses and don’t fix them when needed

The company that owns and runs the bus can be a private company, a school, or a government organization. The specific entity involved and where the accident happened can affect your legal claim, so it’s important to talk to a lawyer who knows about this kind of situation as soon as possible to understand what you can do legally.


Buses are big and heavy vehicles. They need many parts to work together smoothly in order to be safe. If one of these parts doesn’t work properly, it can cause a serious bus accident.
A part on the bus can fail because it wasn’t taken care of properly or there was a mistake in how it was maintained. Sometimes, the failure can also be because there was something wrong with the part from the beginning. Parts that have a defect and can cause a bus accident include:

  • Problems with the bus’s frame (the structure of the bus)
  • Defective brakes (the system that helps the bus stop)
  • Issues with the fuel tanks and fuel systems (the parts that hold and distribute the fuel)
  • Faulty tires
  • Defects in the electrical system (the wiring and other electrical parts)
  • Unstable or broken seats
  • Defective lights and stop arms (on school buses, the parts that signal when the bus is stopping)
  • Problems with the pivoting and articulating joints (the parts that allow the bus to bend or move)

If the bus accident happened because of a defective part, our lawyers will work to get you compensation from the company that made or designed the faulty part.


Whether you’re riding the bus or driving another car, if you’re involved in a bus accident, there’s a high chance you’ll get seriously hurt. People in other vehicles that get hit by the bus might experience:

  • Serious brain injuries
  • Injuries to the spinal cord
  • Losing arms or legs
  • Broken bones
  • Burns

When an accident happens, the force can throw passengers out of their seats, causing injuries to their heads, faces, and breaking their arms, legs, or chest. If the accident is severe enough to make the bus tip or roll over, passengers can get thrown from one side of the bus to the other, which can lead to getting crushed or even impaled. It’s really terrible, but if the bus catches fire because of the accident, passengers might get trapped inside and suffer severe burns or even worse injuries.


At Busaccidentlawyer.us, we help drivers and passengers who have been hurt in Bus accidents involving buses. We also assisted passengers who were on the bus and got seriously injured. Our team handles claims related to different types of buses and motor coaches, such as:

  • School buses
  • City/Public buses
  • Regional carriers
  • Private and charter buses
  • Passenger vans
  • Shuttles

Due to the size and weight of the buses, very serious injury is common in bus accidents. Our lawyers will work really hard to get you compensation for the severe injuries you or your loved ones got in the bus accident. If a family member tragically lost his life, we can also help you make a wrongful death claim.

Understanding the Bus Accidents and Your Legal Rights

Buses are considered “common carriers” under the law. This means the government regulates them, just like it does with trucks and other business vehicles. So, if there’s a bus accident, federal agencies like the National Transportation Safety Board and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will probably look into what happened.
In cases involving complicated rules, investigations, and figuring out who is responsible, it’s really important to have an experienced lawyer. At Busaccidentlawyer.us, our lawyers are experts in dealing with complicated vehicle accident cases. We work smartly and carefully to make sure big companies and organizations are held responsible when their negligence harms innocent people.
To build your case, our team collaborates with top experts in areas like accident reconstruction, engineering, and transportation to understand exactly how the accident happened. With all this information, we create a strong legal plan that addresses all the harm you and your family have experienced.
We will fight hard to get you fair compensation. This might involve negotiating a settlement or going to trial if necessary. Our track record shows that we are committed to getting our clients the most money when they need it the most.
We understand how important it is to be caring while helping our clients. We are especially dedicated to keeping children safe and providing excellent legal help to families affected by serious injuries or deaths in school bus accidents.


When a bus accident happens, many passengers can get seriously hurt, and people in other vehicles can also be harmed. As a result, multiple claims may be made for the same bus accident, and these claims can involve a lot of money in damages.

If your loved one was killed in a bus accident, our lawyers will fight to get compensation for you through a wrongful death claim. This can cover costs like:

  • Funeral and burial or cremation expenses
  • The income your relative would have earned if they hadn’t died
  • Medical expenses incurred before your relative’s death
  • The loss of care, support, and services that your relative provided
  • The loss of companionship or support from your loved one

Depending on what happened in the bus accident, there may also be a chance to get punitive damages. These are extra money that can be awarded by a judge or jury to punish a defendant who acted extremely negligently or badly.


If you’ve been seriously hurt in a bus accident, what you do next can have a big impact on your future. It’s important to focus on your health and take steps to protect your legal rights. Here’s what you should do:

  • Get Medical Assistance

Get medical help right away. Even if you don’t need an ambulance, make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. Bus accidents can cause various injuries, and getting medical attention can help prevent long-term problems.
Getting medical treatment is also important for protecting your legal rights. The longer you wait, the harder it may be to prove that your injuries were caused by the accident. Insurance companies will try to avoid taking responsibility and might argue that your injuries happened for other reasons.

  • Follow Your Doctor’s Medical Advice

Once your doctor gives you a treatment plan, it’s important to follow it carefully. Stick to your doctor’s instructions unless you have doubts about their advice. If that happens, consider getting a second opinion.

If you ignore your doctor’s advice or delay your recovery, the bus company or insurance might use it against you. They could argue that you didn’t take your health seriously or that you’re not really injured. To avoid this, make sure you go to all your appointments with doctors, specialists, physical therapists, and anyone else involved in your treatment.

  • Keep Your Bus Ticket or Pass

If you have a bus ticket or pass from the day of the accident, keep it in a safe place. This will help prove that you were on the bus when the accident happened.

  • Keep Any Photos You Took with Your Phone

If you took pictures right after the accident, show them to a lawyer as soon as you can. These photos might have important details about what happened and who was responsible. Even if you took pictures on the bus before the accident (like a selfie with a friend), save those photos too. They can provide valuable information like where you were sitting and what the bus looked like inside when the accident happened.

  • Write Down as Many Details as You Can

Besides keeping your bus ticket or pass and saving any photos, write down as many details as you can remember about the accident. Consider these questions:

  • What kind of bus were you on? (For example, was it a city bus or a Greyhound?)
  • Which route were you traveling on?
  • Where did the accident happen along the route?
  • Did the bus driver say anything before or after the crash?
  • How do you think the accident happened?

These details can help your legal case. If you remember anything else that might be important, write it down so you can discuss it with your lawyer.

  • Avoid Posting on Social Media

After an accident, it’s a good idea to avoid posting on social media and other websites. Insurance companies watch what you share online and might use your posts and photos to challenge your claim. It’s best to be careful and not share details about the accident on the internet.

  • Don’t Be Misled

After the bus accident, you might get calls or messages from the bus company or their insurance company. Remember, they are not looking out for your best interests. Don’t sign any papers or agree to a settlement without talking to a bus accident lawyer first. Let a lawyer handle all the communication for you, so you don’t make any mistakes. They will protect your rights and guide you through the process.

  • Document Your Financial Losses

When you’re hurt in a bus accident, the expenses can add up quickly. Keep track of these costs as best as you can. This will help your lawyer figure out how much compensation to seek for your claim. Stay organized and keep records of things like:

  • Medical bills
  • Prescription costs
  • Expenses for medical supplies
  • Transportation costs
  • Lost income and benefits
  • Other related costs

By documenting these expenses, you’ll have the necessary information to support your claim and ensure you’re fairly compensated.


The costs mentioned earlier are called economic damages because they directly affect your finances. However, there’s another type of compensation you might be eligible for, known as non-economic damages. These cover the non-financial effects of your injuries.

Non-economic damages are harder to put a specific value on. They include things like the pain and suffering you experienced, the loss of enjoyment in your life, and similar impacts.

To help show these non-economic damages, you can write down your feelings, take photos, or record videos that demonstrate how your injuries have affected you. These records can be useful in showing the impact of your injuries when seeking compensation.

  • Contact a Houston Bus Accident Lawyer

The best way to protect your legal rights after a bus accident is to hire a skilled bus accident lawyer as soon as possible. At Busaccidentlawyer.us, we offer FREE case assessments, and we don’t ask for any payment unless we win your case.

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Client satisfaction is our priority in bus accident attorney services.

What We Offer

Our Main Service Area's for Bus Accident Attorney


Los Angeles

Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Los Angeles.


New York

Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the New York.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Chicago.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Philadelphia.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Dallas.



Securing Justice and Compensation for Bus Accident Victims in the Houston.

Common Questions

Most Popular Questions

Seek Medical Attention: Prioritize getting medical help to assess and document any injuries, even if they seem minor initially.
Report to Authorities: Call the police to file an official report, which will be crucial for any legal claims.
Document the Scene: Take photos and videos of the accident scene, the bus, and any other vehicles involved. Collect contact information from witnesses​

Bus Driver: If the accident was due to the driver's negligence, such as distracted driving or fatigue.
Bus Company: If the company failed to maintain the bus properly or did not provide adequate training to drivers.
Other Motorists: If another vehicle's actions led to the accident.
Government Entities: For accidents involving public buses operated by entities like METRO.
Manufacturers: In cases where a defect in the bus or its parts contributed to the accident​

Medical Expenses: Coverage for current and future medical bills related to the injury.
Lost Wages: Compensation for time missed from work due to the accident.
Pain and Suffering: Damages for physical and emotional distress caused by the accident.
Disability and Disfigurement: Compensation for long-term or permanent injuries.
Loss of Enjoyment of Life: For impacts on your quality of life due to the accident​

Multiple Liable Parties: Bus accidents often involve more complex liability issues, with potential claims against bus drivers, companies, and government entities.
Higher Stakes: Bus accidents can involve more severe injuries and higher financial stakes due to the number of passengers.
Regulatory Compliance: Bus companies and drivers must adhere to strict federal and state regulations, and violations can be crucial in a legal case​

Driver Negligence: Distracted driving, fatigue, or impaired driving by the bus driver.
Poor Maintenance: Failure to properly maintain the bus, leading to mechanical failures.
Traffic Violations: Other drivers not adhering to traffic laws, such as not stopping for a school bus.
Hazardous Conditions: Poor road conditions, construction zones, or severe weather impacting bus safety​

Consult an Attorney: An experienced bus accident lawyer can guide you through the process and ensure all procedural requirements are met.
Preserve Evidence: Keep all medical records, witness statements, and accident documentation.
File Claims Promptly: Be aware of the statute of limitations and specific deadlines for claims involving public entities

Traumatic Brain Injuries: From impacts during the crash.
Spinal Cord Injuries: Resulting in potential paralysis.
Broken Bones and Fractures: Due to the lack of seatbelts and protective gear in buses.
Internal Injuries: Such as internal bleeding or organ damage.
Psychological Trauma: Including PTSD from the accident experience​